Celebi joins the FAIR@Link slot booking system (in Frankfurt Airport)


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Frankfurt Havaalanında elebi Cargo ile çalışan nakliyeciler ve kamyoncular artık slotları önceden rezerve etmeli, tüm verileri doğru bir şekilde kaydetmeli ve zamanında varmalı.

Değişiklik, 1 Haziran’da başlayan zorunlu rezervasyonlarla Çelebi’nin FAIR @ Link slot rezervasyon sistemine katılmasıyla ortaya çıkıyor.

Çelebi ve Dakosy, tıkanıklığı azaltacağını ve havalimanında daha fazla verimlilik yaratacağını ve ayrıca Covid risklerini azaltacağını iddia ediyor.

Çelebi’nin Almanya’daki genel müdürü ChristopherLicht, “Sürücülere mümkün olan en kısa sürede sorunsuz ve en önemlisi Koronavirüs uyumlu süreçler sunmak istedik” dedi.

 “Kamyon şirketleri, yolculuklarına başlamadan önce FAIR @ Link’teelleçleme için yuvalar ayırıyorlar. Çelebi, planlanan teslimatlar ve teslim almalarla ilgili tüm bilgileri erken alarak kaynaklarını buna göre planlayabilir ve check-in kontuarlarında kuyruk oluşmasını önleyebilir.

Forwarders and truckers working with handler Celebi Cargo at Frankfurt Airport must now book slots in advance, record all data accurately and arrive on time.

The change comes as Celebi joins the FAIR@Link slot booking system, with mandatory bookings beginning on 1 June. Celebi is the third handler to join the Dakosy platform.
Celebi and Dakosy claim it will reduce congestion and create more efficiency at the airport – as well as mitigating Covid risks.

Christopher Licht, Celebi’s managing director in Germany, said: “We wanted to offer the drivers smooth and, most importantly, Coronavirus-compliant processes as quickly as possible.”

He explained: “Trucking companies reserve slots for handling in FAIR@Link before the start of their journey. By receiving all the information about scheduled deliveries and pickups early on, Celebi can plan its resources accordingly and avoid queues at check-in counters.

“As soon as a slot changes, the system automatically informs the affected driver via SMS and sends an updated time slot. This levels out any peaks and allows us to better ensure the required minimum distance between drivers and/or our staff.

“It’s crucial that everyone adhere to the rules – book a slot in advance, record data accurately and arrive on time.”

Celebi is in the process of informing forwarders and truckers of the new requirements, said Mr Licht.

“Of course, in the first few days any vehicles which haven’t booked slots will be dispatched. However, when those drivers arrive on site they will have to use our self-service terminals to create a slot booking, so they then return and be dispatched according to the newly generated time slots.”

Dakosy said there were more handling agents looking to sign up to its platform “in the pipeline”, and CEO Ulrich Wrage said: “With each additional handler, the efficiency gains for the community increase.

“In addition to handling agents, trucking companies can also better plan their pickup and delivery processes, thereby saving trips. This, in turn, relieves traffic in Cargo City, reduces congestion, and speeds up handling processes overall.”



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