XVI. Uluslararası Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi Denizli’de gerçekleştirilecek. 18-20 Ekim 2018


XVI. Uluslararası Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi,

Lojistik Derneği (LODER), Pamukkale Üniversitesi ve ABD North Caroline State Üniversiteleri ile birlikte 18-20 Ekim 2018 tarihlerinde Denizli’de gerçekleştirilecektir.

“Lojistik ve Tedarik Zincirinde Gelecek Trendleri” teması ile gerçekleştirilecek kongrenin amacı; lojistik ve tedarik zinciri yönetimi konuları ile ilgilenen akademisyenler ile uygulama alanında çalışanları bir araya getirerek, bu konulardaki son gelişmeleri tartışacakları ve bilgi alışverişinde bulunacakları bir ortam oluşturmaktır.

Kongredeki ana konuşmacılar aşağıda belirtilmiştir:

Dr. Alexandre Dolgui is a Distinguished Professor (Full Professor of Exceptional Class in France) and the Head of Automation, Production and Computer Sciences Department at the IMT Atlantique (former Ecole des Mines de Nantes), France. His research focuses on manufacturing line design, production planning and supply chain optimization. His main results are based on the exact mathematical programming methods and their intelligent coupling with heuristics and metaheuristics algorithms. He is the co-author of 5 books, the co-editor of 16 books or conference proceedings, the author of 212 refereed journal papers, 25 editorials and 28 book chapters as well as over 400 papers in conference proceedings.

Surendra M. Gupta, Ph.D., P.E., is a Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and the Director of the Laboratory for Responsible Manufacturing at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.He received his BE in Electronics Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, MBA from Bryant University, and MSIE and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. He is a registered professional engineer in the State of Massachusetts, USA. Dr. Gupta’s research interests span the areas of Production/Manufacturing Systems and Operations Research.

Bahar Yetis Kara is a Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Bilkent University. Dr. Kara holds an M.S. and Ph.D. degree from Bilkent University Industrial Engineering Department, and she worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at McGill University in Canada. Dr. Kara holds “Best Dissertation Award” given by INFORMS – UPS-SOLA (2001), TUBA-GEBIP (National Young Researchers Career Development Grant) reward (2008), IAP Young Researchers Award (2009), and TÜBİTAK Young Scientist Incentive Award (2010).Dr Kara’s current research interests include distribution logistics, humanitarian logistics, hub location and hub network design, and hazardous material logistics. She is currently an associate editor of IIE Transactions. Dr. Kara is also one of the founders and so one of the members of the current executive board of the EURO Working Group on Humanitarian Operations (HOpe).

Michael G. Kay is Interim Director of the Graduate Program in Operations Research and Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University. He has degrees in economics and industrial engineering from the University of Florida, and he did his doctoral studies at NC State’s Center for Robotics and Intelligent Machines. He teaches courses in production system design and logistics engineering and his research interests include logistics, metaheuristics, freight transportation, material handling, warehousing, and facilities design, and is currently focused on the development of home delivery logistics networks








Russel King is the Henry A. Foscue Distinguished Undergraduate and Graduate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC USA and is a Fellow of the Institute for Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE). At N.C. State, he is Co- Director of the Center for Additive Manufacturing and Logistics (camal.ncsu.edu). He has consulted for a number of companies including Ford Motor Company, The Gap, Dillards Department Stores, and the Institute for Defense and Business.


  1. Uluslararası Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Kongresi kapsamında konularında uzman akademisyenler ve profesyoneller tarafından lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencileri ile sektör katılımcıları için bir dizi lojistik ve tedarik zinciri yönetimi dersi de verilecektir. Etkin bir lojistik ve tedarik zinciri yönetimi sistemi kurmanın temel bileşenleri ile ilgili verilecek olan bu derslerin her biri 45 dk’dan oluşacaktır, ders ve program bazında katılım belgeleri verilecektir.

Detaylı bilgi için: http://www.pau.edu.tr/LMSCM2018/tr 

İletişim e-posta: lmscm2018@pau.edu.tr

Olcay POLAT, Tel: +90 258 296 3013
